Donna Benfield with EZ-DigiSign
Donna Benfield with
first EZ-DigiSign

For more information, contact the EZ-DigiSign corporate office at:

238 East 3000 N
Rexburg, ID 83440




November 27, 2007

CONTACT: Kip Nield, Director - Sales & Marketing
243 S. 300 E.
Rexburg, ID 83440

First EZ-DigiSign Installed

The first EZ-DigiSign was installed at the Rexburg Chamber of Commerce. The digital sign, developed and Installed by EZ-NetTools, posts advertisements of Rexburg businesses and displays the weather and other news headlines. The digital sign also posts events, meetings and other information that are commonly sought for by Rexburg and regional visitors.

Donna Benfield, Executive Director of the Rexburg Chamber of Commerce states, “ the digital sign really works well for us. It's like having another person at the front desk, when we are busy, it (EZ-DigiSign) answers questions by providing information. It tells the weather and posts future chamber events. It (EZ-DigiSign) gets attention the way that we have placed it and people are looking at it throughout the day.” The Rexburg Chamber of Commerce uses the digital sign to post information for upcoming events, forums, advertisements for local hotels and businesses.

EZ-DigiSign, a product of EZ-NetTools, was recently announced as a new product. Digital signage has become a fast growing industry with many benefits. “People have been bombarded with advertising for so long that they tune much of it out,” according to Kip Nield, Executive Director of EZ-NetTools. “With digital signage,” Nield continues, “people are much more likely to pay attention.”

Digital signage is a great resource for organizations like the Rexburg Chamber of Commerce and also very effective as a new age advertising medium. Industries that benefit most from digital signage include: Health Care, Retail Stores, Supermarkets, Transportation, Hospitality, Financial, Restaurants, and Public Places.

For more information about EZ-DigiSign, visit or call EZ-NetTools at 800-627-4780.
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